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How to Invest and Trade in the Circular Economy: A Guide for ESG-Focused Investors 


How to Invest and Trade in the Circular Economy: A Guide for ESG-Focused Investors 

How to Invest and Trade in the Circular Economy: A Guide for ESG-Focused Investors 

Vantage Updated by Updated Wed, January 10 02:15

In the dynamic sphere of modern finance, the notion of the circular economy emerges as a pivotal and transformative concept, redefining traditional investment strategies. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, transitioning to a circular economy could unlock $4.5 trillion in economic benefits by 2030, underscoring significant opportunities for sustainability-focused businesses[1]

This shift is particularly significant for investors and traders focused on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, as it offers a sustainable and responsible avenue for investment. This article aims to explore how ESG-focused investors can strategically navigate and capitalise on the opportunities presented by the circular economy. 

What is a circular economy? 

Before diving into the ways of investing and trading in the circular economy, it’s crucial to understand its foundational concept. At its core, a circular economy is a regenerative system designed to keep products, materials, and resources in use for as long as possible, thus reducing environmental impact. This economic system prioritises sustainability by minimising waste and making the most of resources. 

“Circular economy is about a new business model, new economic system that generates less waste, less pollution and better quality of nature.” 

Seeram Ramakrishna, a Professor and Director, Center for Nanotechnology and Sustainability, NUS 

This approach diverges from the traditional linear model of production and consumption, which is based on a short-term use and disposal pattern. In a circular economy, the lifecycle of materials is extended through innovative means such as recycling, reusing, and repurposing, leading to a significant reduction in waste and a more efficient use of natural resources.  

This model not only conserves the environment but also opens up new avenues for economic growth and sustainability, making it an increasingly attractive field for ESG-focused investors who are looking to make a positive impact while seeking financial returns.  

Identifying and Evaluating Circular Economy Investment Opportunities 

When it comes to identifying and evaluating investment opportunities within the circular economy, ESG-focused investors should look for companies and projects that demonstrate innovation in sustainable practices with characteristics including: 

  • Circular supply chain optimisation: Look for entities that incorporate reduce, reuse, and recycle principles throughout their supply chain. 
  • Product lifecycle extension: Seek out innovations in design that enhance product repairability, durability, and upgradability. 
  • Renewable energy and waste management: Focus on companies utilising renewable energy sources and implementing sustainable waste management practices. 
  • Carbon footprint reduction: Target initiatives aimed at achieving net-zero emissions in operational processes. 
  • Social responsibility: Evaluate companies for their commitment to fair labour practices and active community engagement. 
  1. Circular Supply Chain Optimisation 

    1. Circular supply chain optimisation is a factor for ESG investors when considering circular economy opportunities. In this approach, companies strive to reduce waste and resource consumption by integrating the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle at every step of their supply chain. 
    2. This not only minimises environmental impact but also enhances operational efficiency and sustainability. Investors should focus on companies that demonstrate a commitment to optimising their supply chains in this way, as it reflects a deep-rooted dedication to environmental stewardship and long-term economic viability. 
    3. An example of a company excelling in circular supply chain optimisation is Patagonia, renowned for its sustainable practices[2]. This includes the use of recycled materials and a strong emphasis on the repair, reuse, and recycling of its clothing and gear, which extends the life cycle of its products and minimises environmental impact. By actively promoting these practices, Patagonia reinforces a culture of sustainability among its consumers, setting a high standard for corporate responsibility in the apparel industry. 
  2. Product Lifecycle Extension 

    1. Product lifecycle extension is a sustainable practice where companies design products with an emphasis on longevity, repairability, and upgradability. This approach counters the traditional ‘throwaway culture’ by extending the usable life of products, thus reducing waste and resource consumption. ESG investors should look for companies innovating in this area, as products designed for a longer lifespan not only support environmental goals but also can offer economic benefits through reduced costs and enhanced customer loyalty. 
    2. Fairphone stands as a distinguished example of a company that effectively practises product lifecycle extension, particularly in the technology sector[3]. The company has garnered widespread recognition for its innovative approach to smartphone design, focusing on modularity and ease of repair. 
    3. By creating modular smartphones, Fairphone enables users to easily replace or upgrade specific components of their phones rather than replacing the entire device. This approach not only extends the usable lifespan of the smartphones but also significantly contributes to reducing electronic waste. 
  3. Renewable energy and waste management 

    1. Renewable energy and waste management are essential elements in the circular economy, pivotal for ESG investors evaluating sustainable investment opportunities. Companies that excel in utilising renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro power significantly reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, thus lowering their environmental impact.  
    2. Concurrently, effective waste management practices, including recycling processes and responsible disposal methods, further consolidate a company’s commitment to sustainability. Investors should look for companies that not only use renewable energy but also demonstrate innovative and efficient waste management techniques.  
    3. These companies are not just reducing their ecological footprint but are also paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient economic model. This dual focus on renewable energy and waste management is a strong indicator of a company’s dedication to a sustainable future and makes them attractive candidates for ESG investment. 
    4. IKEA, the well-known furniture and home goods retailer, is an example of a company practising both renewable energy use and efficient waste management. The company has invested in wind and solar power, with a commitment to become climate positive by 2030, meaning they aim to reduce more greenhouse gas emissions than their entire value chain emits[4].  
    5. Additionally, IKEA implements comprehensive waste management practices, with a focus on recycling and repurposing materials, exemplifying their dedication to reducing waste and promoting sustainability throughout their business operations. 
  4. Carbon footprint reduction 

    1. Carbon footprint reduction involves initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with the ultimate goal of achieving net-zero emissions. This practice is increasingly important in the circular economy, as it addresses the urgent need to combat climate change.  
    2. Companies that actively work to reduce their carbon footprint demonstrate foresight and responsibility, making them attractive to ESG investors. By investing in such companies, investors support the transition to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious business landscape. 
    3. Microsoft is an example of a prominent figure in the effort to reduce carbon footprints, with an ambitious pledge to become carbon-negative by 2030. This means the company aims to eliminate more carbon than it emits, and by 2050, it plans to remove all carbon it has emitted either directly or by electrical consumption since its inception in 1975[5]
    4. The company is also dedicated to enhancing the energy efficiency of its data centres, significantly minimising their environmental impact. A notable instance of this commitment is seen in California, where Microsoft’s data centres utilise an indirect evaporative cooling system that operates with reclaimed water, thereby avoiding the use of freshwater. 
  5. Social responsibility 

    1. Social Responsibility within the circular economy extends beyond environmental stewardship to include a holistic approach towards the workforce, communities, and society at large. It involves implementing fair labour practices, ensuring employee well-being, and actively participating in community development. These practices are crucial for building a loyal workforce, fostering consumer trust, and maintaining a positive corporate image. 
    2. Ben & Jerry’s stands out for its strong commitment to social responsibility, going beyond ethical standards to effect meaningful community change, enhancing both its long-term success and sustainability. Renowned for its distinctive ice cream flavours, the company has also become a leader in social justice and environmental sustainability. Their efforts in fair trade practices, responsible sourcing, and engagement in social campaigns on issues like climate change and racial justice have not only bolstered their ethical reputation but also fostered a loyal customer base. 
    3. Over the years, Ben & Jerry’s has integrated numerous corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities into its business operations, significantly impacting both the social and environmental realms.  
    4. Below are some examples that Ben & Jerry’s has integrated corporate social responsibility (CSR) into its business operations[6,7]:  
      • Upon entering the UK market in 1999, the company initiated fundraising activities for Childline, a network supporting children in need. 
      • In 2005, their partnership with Greenpeace and the Alaska Wilderness League to protest proposed oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge showcased their commitment to environmental activism. 
      • Furthermore, in 2010, Ben & Jerry’s reinforced its dedication to ethical sourcing by increasing its involvement in the Global Fair Trade movement. These efforts underscore Ben & Jerry’s commitment to aligning its business practices with broader societal and environmental objectives.  

Investment Vehicles and Strategies for the Circular Economy 

To effectively participate in the circular economy, ESG-focused investors and traders have a range of investment vehicles and strategies at their disposal, each offering unique ways to support sustainable business practices and achieve financial returns.  

Let’s explore some of these key investment options: 

  • Stocks 
  • Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs) 
  • Contract for Differences (CFDs) 
  • Green Bonds 
  1. Stocks 

    1. By strategically selecting stocks of companies that align with circular economy principles and sustainable business practices, ESG-focused investors can contribute to the advancement of the circular economy while aligning their investments with environmental and social sustainability goals. (Eg. Choosing stocks of companies like Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) or Unilever (LON: ULVR), the parent company of Ben and Jerry’s, investors can support businesses that are leading in sustainable practices such as supply chain optimisation and product lifecycle extension.)  
    2. Stock investing involves buying shares of these companies through stock markets, with the hope that their value will increase over time, allowing investors to sell at a profit once the price of the stock has increased. This investment approach not only enables investors to directly contribute to companies that align with sustainable and ethical principles but also offers the potential for financial returns, making it a potential opportunity for those keen on investing in the circular economy. It’s important to note that not all investments guarantee profitability, and investors should be mindful of the inherent risks associated with trading. 
  2. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) 

    1. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) focusing on circular economy principles provide investors with an opportunity to diversify their portfolios. Investors can buy shares of these ETFs through stock exchanges, just like they would with stocks, providing ease and accessibility in diversifying their portfolios 
    2. These ETFs include a variety of companies from different sectors, all contributing to sustainable economic models. By investing in circular economy ETFs, investors gain exposure to a broader range of companies committed to sustainable practices, thus spreading risk while participating in the growth of environmentally responsible businesses. 
    3. Here are some examples of ETFs that are in the circular economy: 
      • iShares Global Clean Economy ETF (ICLN) 
      • iShares Evolved US Waste Management ETF (CITE) 
      • Invesco NextGen Materials ETF (MTOR) 
  3. Green Bonds 

    1. Green bonds represent an innovative investment option for those looking to support environmentally positive projects directly. These bonds are specifically designed to fund projects with tangible environmental benefits, such as renewable energy or pollution control initiatives. 
    2. Traders interested in purchasing green bonds can do so through bond markets or financial institutions that offer these fixed-income securities. Green bonds are issued by governments, municipalities, or corporations specifically to raise funds for environmentally focused projects, and investors can buy them to support initiatives like renewable energy development or pollution reduction while receiving periodic interest payments. While green bonds provide numerous advantages in advancing environmental sustainability, it’s essential for traders to carefully weigh the potential drawbacks and challenges associated with them before making a purchase. 
  4. Contract for Differences (CFDs) 

    1. Contract for Differences (CFDs) offer ESG-focused investors a more flexible and often leveraged way to participate in the circular economy. Unlike traditional investment vehicles, CFDs allow investors to seize opportunities on the price movement of various assets, including stocks of companies engaged in sustainable practices, without actually owning the underlying asset. Traders also have the advantage of speculating on the rising (going long) or falling price (going short) of these investment vehicles. 
    2. For instance, investors can trade CFDs on stocks of companies like Tesla, known for its electric vehicles and sustainable energy solutions, or Apple, which has gained recognition for its commitments to sustainability, such as reducing its carbon footprint and increasing the use of renewable energy in its operations.  
    3. Interested in starting CFD trading? Open a live account with Vantage today and begin trading in these CFDs products today. 


In conclusion, ESG-focused investors play a pivotal role in driving positive change within the financial landscape. By prioritizing Environmental, Social, and Governance considerations in their investment decisions, these investors contribute to fostering sustainability, ethical business practices, and societal well-being.  

The integration of ESG criteria not only aligns with responsible investing principles but also signals a broader shift towards a more conscious and impactful approach to wealth creation. As the financial industry continues to evolve, the influence of ESG-focused investors is likely to grow, promoting a sustainable and inclusive future. 


  1. “The Rise of the Circular Economy: How Sustainable Practices are Transforming the Market Landscape in 2023 – LinkedIn”. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/rise-circular-economy-how-sustainable-practices-market-michael-gavin. Accessed 4 Dec 2023.
  2. “Top 10: Brands Embracing the Circular Economy – Sustainability Magazine”. https://sustainabilitymag.com/top10/top-10-brands-embracing-the-circular-economy-in-2023. Accessed 4 Dec 2023. 
  3. “Longevity – Fairphone”. https://www.fairphone.com/en/impact/long-lasting-design/. Accessed 4 Dec 2023. 
  4. “Becoming climate positive – IKEA”. https://www.ikea.com/global/en/our-business/people-planet/becoming-climate-positive/. Accessed 4 Dec 2023. 
  5. “How Microsoft Is Leading The Response To The Climate Crisis – Forbes”. https://www.forbes.com/sites/timabansal/2022/06/22/how-microsoft-is-leading-the-response-to-the-climate-crisis/?sh=1a80d87050a1. Accessed 4 Dec 2023. 
  6. “Socially Responsible Practices of Ben & Jerry’s – LinkedIn”. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/socially-responsible-practices-ben-jerrys-divya-yadav. Accessed 4 Dec 2023. 
  7. “Socially Responsible Causes Ben & Jerry’s Has Advocated for – Ben & Jerry’s”. https://www.benjerry.com/whats-new/2014/corporate-social-responsibility-history. Accessed 4 Dec 2023.

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